Our mission is simple-to preserve the vanishing oriental handiwork while supporting and promoting local artisans

Thousands of years ago in the Tang Dynasty, skilled artisans gathered in Chang’an, drawing talents from across the globe to exchange their craftsmanship. The very first tea sets emerged during the Han Dynasty, while Tibetan Silver adorned with turquoise and beeswax came to symbolize a rich culture. Exquisite embroidery bestowed each garment with a touch of elegance. Oriental handiwork embodied emotions, nostalgia, beauty, and diverse cultural influences from every artisan.

Yet, in the wake of industrialization, many artisans now grapple with challenging times. Fewer young people are keen to carry forward this legacy. At Glorious Collection, we are resolute in preserving the essence of traditional oriental beauty. We collaborate directly with numerous local artisans spanning various ethnicities. Our products not only encapsulate age-old handcrafting skills and aesthetics, but also the spirit and sentiments of each artisan.

Glorious collection

We also apply a portion of our profits to support our artisans, an endeavor we believe will honor both handcrafting heritage and the economy. At Glorious Collection, you will discover splendid gift for everyone, while preserving the vanishing oriental handiwork.